David Torkington
Although there may be a hundred and one things that can be done in a Jubilee Year, there is one thing above all others, without which everything else is pointless. First and foremost, it is a time to turn back and embrace anew the only form of love that can unite us with God. In order to understand the precise nature of this love let me turn to the Bible.
In the Bible there are two types of agreements; one is a mutual agreement that only stands if both parties stand by the promises made. The other is the agreement that God made with Abraham. It is a unilateral agreement signified by the word Berith. In other words when God said he would love the new people who would be generated from his seed, he committed himself to love them whether or not they responded to his love.
The great Prophet who proclaimed God’s unconditional love more than any other, was Hosea. He proclaimed God’s unconditional love, not just by his words, but by his own example, for he never stopped loving his wife Gomer. She had so many affairs, that he had to admit he did not even know which of their children were his. When Christ came to extend God’s original agreement or Covenant to the whole of Humanity, he too embodied the inner nature of God’s unconditional love in his own personal life. He loved every one with the same selfless unconditional and unwavering love of the Father who sent him, even though people not only hated him, but hated him to death. The blood that he shed on the cross became the ‘blood of the new covenant,’ or the new agreement that he would go on loving his people to the end of time, no matter whether or not they returned his love. » Read More