Br. Roland Wakefield
In every age, the Lord raises up preachers and prophets to courageously oppose the errors of their times and proclaim the truth of Jesus Christ. The problems that Fulton Sheen diagnosed in the middle of the 20th century have only continued to fester.
This is part of a series entitled, “Preaching: Feeding Fellow Beggars.” Read the series introduction here. To see other posts in the series, click here.
In America, few Catholic preachers have ever claimed national attention and love like Bishop Fulton Sheen. Though he died over 40 years ago, his name is still well-known today—to say nothing of his immense popularity during his lifetime. The author of numerous books and articles, a wildly famous television producer, and highly sought after for his retreats and Lenten sermons, Fulton Sheen truly was America’s Preacher.
But what made Sheen so popular and impactful, so much so that his viewership beat out Milton Berle, “Mr. Television” himself? The answer is simple, really. Fulton Sheen taught the truth of the Gospel and preached Christ crucified. He spoke directly to an age that was being rocked by change and losing its faith. As a teacher, Sheen instructed millions in the truths of the Catholic Faith. As a preacher, Sheen moved hearts and led many to embrace or re-embrace Christ as Lord and Savior. When one looks at his life and work, three themes especially stand out: the missions and evangelization, the daily Holy Hour, and the cross of Christ. These were some of his greatest ideals and loves; they can be ours too.
In his autobiography, Treasure in Clay, Sheen remarks on how much he enjoyed his time as a teacher. He taught at The Catholic University of America for over 20 years, until he was made a bishop in 1951. He never really stopped teaching, » Read More