John Horvat
There is one aspect of the immigration debate that most liberals do not like to discuss. Recognizing a right for anyone to flee misfortune, liberals invite them to pour over the border, which most do illegally. However, they refuse to look at the reasons behind the growing migrant stream and seek to stop it.
Dealing with the issue this way is like bailing water out of a boat with a large hole in its hull. After a while, even the most heroic efforts to stay afloat come to nothing. Unless the hole is repaired, the ocean water will overwhelm the ship.
This metaphor describes the present American immigration policy and its disastrous consequences.
Making Distinctions
A distinction must be made between two immigrant groups.
The first is the traditional immigrant category of people. Like the generations that built America, they seek opportunity and a better life, want assimilation into the American people and are willing to take the necessary legal and often difficult route to citizenship and its duties.
The second migrant group is by far the greater number today. These are the people who are fleeing from evil and oppressive regimes, criminal states and failed policies (frequently a stripe of Socialism). These migrants enter and stay in America any way they can, usually illegally. Unlike the first migrant group, however, many, if not most, of these unfortunate people would much rather have remained in their native countries. They are people who have become displaced.
Simply supplying those in this latter group with a new place to stay does not address the real problem. Often, it only aggravates it by encouraging ever greater masses of “nation-orphans” to risk emigrating, causing them untold suffering and even death.
Beyond Helping Others
Of course, there is nothing wrong with helping others secure the means for a dignified life, » Read More