John Horvat
For several years, I have made the New Year’s resolution to make my Sundays Internet-free. That means I cut off any connection with the Internet, be it email, websites or videos. It does not include phone calls or text messages. This Internet fast allows me to dedicate my Sunday to other things.
It is not easy to break with the frenetic intemperance of always being connected. People expect you to answer things right away. We also have the illusion that we are so important that the world needs to be linked to us at all times. I have found the world turns just the same with or without my connection.
Internet fasting is a good habit that takes some time to learn. However, based on my experience, I will renew the resolution in 2025.
There are four reasons why I will be renewing my yearlong fast.
It Is Doable
The first reason is that it is doable. It is not something outrageous like a total and complex system of disconnection.
Most people need an Internet connection during the week to survive in our postmodern world. Their jobs require being online, so a total cutoff is impossible and inadvisable. We must not put ourselves inside a fantasy bubble and abandon the real world. We need some contact.
However, most people have the weekend off when they do not need to sustain themselves via an online connection. By allowing a whole day of rest from the fast pace of the Internet, we can dedicate ourselves to other more useful pursuits.
The Sunday fast is just enough time to be outside the web. It allows us time to slow down, ponder and digest the information glut we face. I know it is doable because I have done it without major problems for over five years. » Read More